Melding fra turarrangør Tineke van Geel:
Unfortunately we are cancelling our tour to Turkey in September due to the devastating earthquake that has hit this country. It exactly covers the region we planned to travel and has affected thousands of people. The after effect of this disaster will have a long term impact. We also feel that it would be inappropriate to celebrate or dance with people who have undoubtedly been confronted with deaths and casualties in their families only months before our visit.
Although we had enough registrations and would almost give the green light to book tickets, we felt obliged to take this decision. Because some participants choose to book both the tour to Turkey and preceding tour to The Netherlands, this also touches the Dutch Tour. We simply don’t have enough registrations left to make the Holland Tour happen.
Opprinnelig tekst:
Tineke & Maurits van Geel er i gang med planlegging av nye turer i september 2023. Første tur går til deres hjemland Nederland med Tineke & Maurits som turledere. Neste tur arrangeres i samarbeid med Ahmet Demirbagh, og i tillegg til å besøke utvalgte steder vil det bli dansing med lokale danseledere.
Nærmere informasjon vil bli publisert på hjemmesiden deres:
(Denne siden finner du også IFINs hjemmeside under Lenker.)
Se vedlegg for priser og mer info om turene.